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Donnybrook Tournament

Donnybrook – an inordinately wild fight or contentious dispute; brawl; free-for-all.

Join us for Donnybrook 2022

Heartland HEMA is proud to announce our annual tournament. Come join us in the heart of America as Heartland HEMA hosts Donnybrook, the biggest HEMA event in the Great Plains Region. 

Donnybrook Page


Price:  $100 flat entry fee, all events

($25 discount if you agree to line judge or help run table)

Donnybrook Shirt

Price:  $25 

Available for Pickup at the Donnybrook Event.

Donnybrook Tournament 2022

Date:     Saturday, June 18th & Sunday, June 19th

Time:    Saturday doors and check-in opens at 8 AM. Events start at 9 AM. Tournaments will run till 6 PM.

              Sunday doors and check-in opens at 8 AM. Events start at 9 AM. Tournaments will run till 3 PM.

Location:   Kansas City North Community Center
                    2527 NE Russell Rd
                    Kansas City, MO 64116 


Tournaments: Singlestick, Rapier, Smallsword, Longsword, and this year; two new events will be introduced! open stout sword, and the old guard Saber (45years and older)

Event Schedule

Saturday: Singlestick, Rapier/ optional offhand device, Open Stout sword, Harnisfechten deed of arms
Sunday: Smallsword, Old guard, Longsword, Cutting Class

Additional Awards

Additional awards are going to be available for fencers to compete for.
Iron Man (best overall fencer )
Hand sniper (collective most successful below elbow attacks)
Scholar (this award is to the fencer that fought most technically proficient regardless of placement in the events. A scholar will be awarded in each individual event and an overall)
Iron club (best over school performance.) the Defending champion is Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy led by Court Dyke 

For Updates and More Information, Visit our Facebook Group Page